Sinophi Healthcare is committed to following the corporate governance guidelines laid out in the UK’s Corporate Governance Code of June 2010 (“the Code”).
Sinophi will also work to exceed the basic standards set out in the “Corporate Governance Guidelines for Smaller Companies” produced by the Quoted Companies Alliance (“QCA”) in 2010. These focus on behaviours, the building of corporate governance structures and procedures, and engagement between boards and shareholders. The purpose of these governance structures is to ensure that the interests of management remain aligned with shareholders.
The Directors are of the opinion that the Company has been in compliance with the Code, except where any non-compliance is disclosed and explained in its offering document or annual report.
In addition to compliance with the UK Code, Sinophi’s businesses in China are required to be compliant with the corporate governance laws of the PRC. These are to be found in the Company Law of The People’s Republic of China, the Securities Law of The People’s Republic of China and Ministry of Finance ASBE (Accounting Standards) regulations.
This section of the website contains the Company’s governance structures and the oversight roles and responsibilities of the Board.